SIAC & KCAB Seoul Conference 2019

Cross-Border Construction Disputes in 21st Century Asia
The SIAC-KCAB Seoul Conference will place special focus on construction disputes in 21st century Asia. Join us for a stellar line-up of speakers consisting of experts in the field who will provide first-hand insights into industry developments, and practical strategies for practitioners and in-house counsel involved in cross-border construction projects.


  • Date & Time : 19 September 2019 | 09:00-13:00
  • Venue : 18F, Trade Tower, Seoul IDRC Hearing Room 1
  • Language : English
  • Co-Host :



Flyer DownLoad


Trade Tower, Seoul IDRC

18F, Trade Tower, 511 Yeongdong-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 06164, Korea
